CoSHSEM Congress Lyon 2015

This page might well become available at some point. For the moment, you will have to try and translate the French one.

For information concerning the CoSHSEM, go and visit the website :

Website CoSHSEM

If you would like to attend the conference, please register. To do so, click on the tab 'S'inscrire' at the top of this page.

Film evening 24 June

Cinema evening -

Cinema evening 24 June 2015 at 18h30
Culture physique-Gymnastique : Le corps entre norme et idéal, 1920-1950 (Programme élaboré par Christian Bonah)
Wegezu Kraft und Schönheit (1925) BAFA
Seftauf dem Wege zur Kraft und Schönheit (1926) BAFA
Der Muskalmann Wilhelm Emter aus Lörrach (1925) BAFA
Gymnastique  patronale (fonds Willer) (1930)  MIRA
Rothau Images amateures MIRA
Publicités allemandes BAFA & Publicités françaises, AFF : aspirine, dentifrice
Soyons  sportifs
Jeux olympiques 1936 
Date: Wednesday 24 June 18h30
Where: Amphithéâtre C - campus Rockfeller
Open to the public


You can now download the programme for CoSHSEM 2015 (pdf file 90 Kb) - Programme_CoSHSEM_2015_06_24.pdf

Here is the book of abstracts to accompany the programme (pdf 450 Kb) - Livret_resumes_18_juin_1.pdf

Social networking


for your rendez-vous Twitter

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The Congress


The film screening on Wednesday

and in events :

visit of the Institut Lumière

On the 25th June starting from 19h30 (and ending at 20h30).

We offer the possibility of a guided tour (in French) of le musée de l'Institut Lumière. If you have not already opted for this visit when you registered, you can sign up at the reception desk on arrival at the conference.Auguste and Louis Lumière

The museum recounts the life of the Lumière family. Starting with Antoine, the father, who rose from being a poor sign-painter to being a captain of industry. The father's wealth was largely due to the inventions of two of his sons, Louis and Auguste, in particular a new, very sensitive emulsion for photographic plates  -  the 'etiquette bleue'.

In 1894, Louis Lumière designed and built the 'cinematographe' that could both take and project films (of about a minute in length). The public screening of the first of these films in Paris in December 1895 is widely taken to mark the birth of cinema. The visitor to the museum can see a large number of these films, as well as a presentation of the history of the Lumière family as well as a number of the brothers' inventions.

Anatomy Museum


Participants will be able to visit the anatomy museum on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday at 6pm. More information will be available in the reception area of the congress.

Musée d'anatomie

(admission - 2 €)

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